Банковская Ставка 2.5%! Когда это произойдет?

Инвестиции под ключ в Канаде и США!

Thursday, March 21st @ 7:00 PM

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About the Webinar

Экономический прогноз на 2024 год

Когда начнётся снижение ставки?

Банковская ставка 2.5%. Реально ли достигнуть такой ставки уже в ближайшее время?

Кризис недвижимости в Канаде! Как на нем заработать?

Какую стратегию стоит применить инвесторам?
Как стать финансово независимым уже через 5 лет?

Инвестиции под ключ в США без головной боли.

Как получать $2000+ CASH FLOW не выходя из дома?

Стратегия Arbnb под ключ.

Обо всем этом мы и поговорим на вебинаре.

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About the Speaker

Алекс Мошкович , брокер по недвижимости, создавший успешную брокер-компанию, которая 6 лет подряд занимает ТОП 100 лидирующих позиций в Канаде. Алекс собрал команду профессионалов, которая включает в себя архитекторов, подрядчиков, жилищных инспекторов, юристов, финансистов и страховых агентов. Это позволяет его клиентам приобрести недвижимость, не сделав никаких критических ошибок.

Ильнар Ахмеджанов, агент по недвижимости , инвестор специализирующийся на краткосрочной аренде, имеющий большой опыт инвестирования в США и Канаде. В его инвестиционном портфеле 55 дверей в США и Канаде.

Turn key proven system to invest in Real Estate

Don't make the mistakes that could cost you thousands when buying your investment property - join us at the live webinar on Thursday, March 21st @ 7:00 PM


"Absolutely amazing realtor and his team. It’s a great pleasure when you don’t have to worry about anything, from getting a mortgage to selling, to buying to legal…

It happened that the purchase time for my property fell on the busiest time with 20+ offers on every good property and prices rising daily. Despite having 2 weeks time limit to buy a house in Barrie with very specific demands, Alex and Maryna managed to find the right property for us. Not only they are extremely experienced in Barrie, but Alex sold our property downtown Toronto way above what we expected in the best possible outcome. Alex was on the phone past midnight negotiating and making sure every offer counts.

We’ve also purchased a very successful investment property that had a positive cash flow from day 1. Their estimates were spot on… Our mortgage applications were taken care of very quickly with amazing rates and absolutely no worries on our side. It’s just a real pleasure to work with professionals who really know their work inside out"

(Valeriya Z.)

"I was referred to Alex by a professional investor friend that has over 20 properties. We have bought 8 investment properties in our first year alone working with Alex and his team. I am happy with their strategy and property hunting skills." (Kalvin N.)

"Alex is the most professional real estate broker I worked with. He is very knowledgeable expert in real estate investing. He has a very good financial education about how to create wealth through real estate which he shared with me. With his team of real estate agents, mortgage brokers, contractors he was able to build for us a strategy to buy multiple properties that cash flow every month in the area that has high appreciation and growth potential." (Alex P.)

Alexander Moshkovich